We can’t tell you that potty training is an overnight job. But we can tell you worrying doesn’t help
What is the average time to potty train?
It turns out the answer to how long potty training takes is all down to your child. A global study carried out by Kimberly-Clark indicates it averages just over six months from start to finish. There are some children who pick it up almost instantly over just 3 days, while others take upwards of a year to become confident toilet users.
What age are most children potty trained by?
According to the Institute of Health Visiting, nine out of ten children are dry most days by the age of three. Most children are reliably dry every day by the age of four.
Second-time lucky
Parents we spoke to with more than one child tended to report that the second one potty trained more quickly. This difference is probably down to a desire to copy their older sibling and parents being more experienced – and more relaxed – the second time around. Some also noticed girls potty training quicker than boys.
Is there an average time for potty training?
Kimberly-Clark’s global potty training study suggests the average age in the UK is 2.5 years but also acknowledges that every child is different. Childcare professional Julia Perry agrees it’s worth starting to think about it around that time.

In my experience (and I’ve potty trained lots of children throughout my career), if the potty training process is introduced at the right time, it can be achieved within a week.
However, every child is different and for some children the idea alone may take a week or two to grasp, sometimes more.
How long did it take you?
We asked parents how long it took them to potty train.
Remember, every child is different
No one child is the same. Indeed, parents and experts agree it isn’t helpful to compare your child with others. Gender could also be a factor to consider, with some differences when potty training girls and boys. Don’t beat yourself up for accidents and setbacks along the way and keep on in the belief they will get there in the end. And the chances are your second or third child will have a very different experience from your first.
If you feel your child is experiencing problems out of the ordinary, ERIC, the Children’s Bowel and Bladder Charity, is a good place to turn for advice. Remember, Huggies® will be there for you throughout your potty training journey. Whether you need potty training tips, or reliable Pull-Ups® to give your child more confidence-we have plenty of experience to help guide you and your child.