The only bedwetting checklist you’ll ever need

Top tips for dealing with night-time accidents? It’s all here in our handy checklist to help with bedwetting.
In a time of celebrating new milestones, don’t let bedwetting get in the way of life’s adventures. With advice for days, nights and simple hacks to make life easier, welcome to the ultimate guide to managing bedwetting.

3 min read 90%
Smiling girl lying in her bed

The only bedwetting checklist you’ll ever need

Top tips for dealing with night-time accidents? It’s all here in our handy checklist to help with bedwetting.
In a time of celebrating new milestones, don’t let bedwetting get in the way of life’s adventures. With advice for days, nights and simple hacks to make life easier, welcome to the ultimate guide to managing bedwetting.

3 min read 90%

What to do during the day

While bedwetting may be considered a night-time issue for obvious reasons, there are some extra precautions you can take during the day to make sure your child is on the right track:

  • Make sure they drink an adequate amount of liquids during the day to stay hydrated
  • After 4pm, limit milk, sugary soft drinks and drinks with caffeine (e.g. cola)
  • After 4pm, avoid chocolate and fruits high in sugar (e.g. bananas, watermelon)
  • Encourage your child to go to the bathroom regularly during the day (every two to three hours) and just before going to bed.

What to do at bedtime

If you’re ready to make night time as worry-free as possible, check out our top tips for creating a relaxing bedtime routine. Already have a great bedtime routine in place? Share these steps with your child to prepare them for a dry and restful sleep.

To make sure you’re doing everything you can to help your child, here are a few things to do each night:

  1. Check the walk to the bathroom is clear, in case your child needs to go to the loo at night
  2. Put out a spare set of sheets and some clean pyjamas on hand, in case of an accident
  3. Keep a spare pair of DryNites® Pyjama Pants in a drawer close by their bed, just in case
  4. Encourage your child to try going to the toilet before they get changed for bed—even if they don’t feel like they need to
  5. Change your child into their DryNites® Pyjama Pants or put down a DryNites® Bed Mat on your child’s bed
  6. Plug in a night light to help them find their way to the bathroom in the middle of the night
  7. Have your child read or listen to a bedtime story
  8. Settle your child down for a worry-free sleep, ready to wake up awesome in the morning!

Start their night-time adventures with the perfect bedtime stories

An easy way to help your child switch off is to swap screen time for story time, and let their imagination take over as they drift off to dreamland. Together you can create a calm bedtime environment as you read some of our favourite bedtime stories. It’s the perfect way to ease your child into a great night’s sleep.

Reading bedtime stories to help your child relax is just one of the simple things you can do to help your child through the bedwetting phase. But it’s not a solution.

While bedwetting can be inconvenient, it's usually a common part of growing up, so just be patient. However, should you have concerns or want more information, visit our bedwetting advice page, or take a look at recommended bedwetting books. If you have any concerns, seek medical advice.

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This content should not substitute medical advice from your personal healthcare provider. Please consult your healthcare provider for recommendations/diagnosis or treatment.
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